On Wednesday Brett took my out for a date! First we went to dinner at Louie's Bar and Grill . We had some yummy food out on the patio (the weather was perfect). They had the Macho Chicken Nachos on the special that night for Ladies Night, so we had an order of those. SO YUMMY!! It could have just been my meal! (sorry about how blurry this pictures are, I only had my phone with me!)
After dinner we went to Putt-Putt. We love going to together. Mostly, because we like to talk crap to each other, about who will win. We had lots of fun...

Friday night I got to hang out with my BFF and her husband, my sis in law, and brother Joseph, my brother John, another couple we hang out with a lot - May and Evan, and then my sweet hubby!! :) We had a lot of fun!
W/ my Sister in law, and brother's!
w/ my BFF Faith, and her hubby!
Trying to be Sassy!
It really was a fun night, and a great birthday! I was happy to see everyone, and let the celebrations continue! :) Which speaking of...Today we had birthday's w/ Brett's side of the family. It was his Nanny's 88 birthday, Uncle Terry's 72, my 23rd! We laughed that all together that 184 years! Man we're getting old! :)
Brett's Nanny is SO special to us. Brett has loved her dearly, and talked wonders about her before I ever met her. Once I did, I new why he loved her so much! It makes me wish my grandparents lived closer, but I'm so thankful to have her! We love her dearly! Since she adores Brett so much, so thought she'd like to have the picture of the two of them from Brett's graduation day from the Police Academy. So, I decided to get crafty, and make a frame! It's not perfect, but I had fun doing! I think I'll end up making more!
This is what I started with!
So, that's a little update on our life! Back to work tomorrow, and looking forward to Easter Sunday with my family!! :)
also..my little flower pot is showing some white! I'm guessing that's the flower! Hopefully it's going to bloom!