This summer has been one of new things for me. Growing up were never went to the pool much at all, and I think I only went to the lake 1 time when I was in high school. I never learned how to swim, and have always been pretty afraid of the water. One of the few times I did go swimming as a young kid, I almost drowned, and it's pretty much given me a fear of water.
If you know my husband, then you know he LOVES all things water. SO, this summer we've spent LOTS of time on the water, and i have to say..i LOVE it. I still can't swim, but the pools we go to aren't over 5 feet deep, and yesterday we had the most relaxing afternoon on the Lake!! I'm a lake girl for sure!! Some of our good friends asked if we wanted to go out on their boat for a few hours after Brett woke up and before he had to go to work, so we said sure! It was only my 3rd time to go on a boat. I LOVED it. I had a life jacket to use in the water, and once I got in and saw that it did keep me floating, I was in heaven. There is nothing better on a HOT summer day, then to be emerged in some good ol' H2O!
Here's a few pictures from our trip yesterday! We are going again this afternoon! :)
The sunset was BEAUTIFUL!
Floating in the water...isn't he handsome ?? :)
relaxed and happy!! :)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
It's been a while...
I'm really disappointed with myself for not blogging more. I think about it often, but just never get around to it. There always seems to be something else to do. I miss writing on here though, and keep track of what's going on. I know it will be fun to look back on.
Life is pretty simple for us right now. We're both working a lot, and that takes up most of our time. Brett is on nights still, but we have a few hours together in the evenings and I am LOVING that. We really have gotten to spend lots of time together and it's been SO great. Much more time then when we first got married. My heart just feels so content. I love spending time with my sweet husband. There is much less strain on our marriage when we get to see each other!! I'm pretty sure every minute I spend with him I just love him more. I feel so incredibly blessing to be married to him! Being married to your best friend is the best!! Even better - he SHOULD be going to days in September, which will be INCREDIBLE!! I can't imagine actually going to work and getting home from work at the same time!! It should be pretty great :)
We are going on a 2 week vacation in only 39 days!! We are SO excited!! We will be in Florida the whole time, but will be in Fort Walton with friends the 1st week, and the 2nd week in Panama City with the Thompson family! SO EXCITED!!
I also have a business trip to Las Vegas coming up this month which should be a BLAST!! Can't wait!
As for today, i got off work early, which is awesome - now just keeping myself occupied till my sweet man wakes up and we can squeeze in a Friday night date before he heads to work!
Our life is blessed!
Life is pretty simple for us right now. We're both working a lot, and that takes up most of our time. Brett is on nights still, but we have a few hours together in the evenings and I am LOVING that. We really have gotten to spend lots of time together and it's been SO great. Much more time then when we first got married. My heart just feels so content. I love spending time with my sweet husband. There is much less strain on our marriage when we get to see each other!! I'm pretty sure every minute I spend with him I just love him more. I feel so incredibly blessing to be married to him! Being married to your best friend is the best!! Even better - he SHOULD be going to days in September, which will be INCREDIBLE!! I can't imagine actually going to work and getting home from work at the same time!! It should be pretty great :)
We are going on a 2 week vacation in only 39 days!! We are SO excited!! We will be in Florida the whole time, but will be in Fort Walton with friends the 1st week, and the 2nd week in Panama City with the Thompson family! SO EXCITED!!
I also have a business trip to Las Vegas coming up this month which should be a BLAST!! Can't wait!
As for today, i got off work early, which is awesome - now just keeping myself occupied till my sweet man wakes up and we can squeeze in a Friday night date before he heads to work!
Our life is blessed!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The one with a Birthday!
This past week has been lots of fun! I always love Birthday's, and I have had a lot of fun since I met Brett, feeling like I'm "in charge" of making his birthday special! Anyways..This week however, was MY birthday! I had so much fun! The actual day was Tuesday, which is my LONG work day, so I was at work till about 8PM, and didn't get to see Brett, but they got a cake for me at work, and sang Happy Birthday, so that was sweet, and kinda made it actually feel like my birthday!
On Wednesday Brett took my out for a date! First we went to dinner at Louie's Bar and Grill . We had some yummy food out on the patio (the weather was perfect). They had the Macho Chicken Nachos on the special that night for Ladies Night, so we had an order of those. SO YUMMY!! It could have just been my meal! (sorry about how blurry this pictures are, I only had my phone with me!)
After dinner we went to Putt-Putt. We love going to together. Mostly, because we like to talk crap to each other, about who will win. We had lots of fun...

After Putt-Putt, which Brett beat with a 43, and I had a 47, although I got hole-in-one's. ( I guess that says something about how I did on the other holes! ha!), we went for Ice Cream at Shake's. It was a fun night, and good to be together!
Friday night I got to hang out with my BFF and her husband, my sis in law, and brother Joseph, my brother John, another couple we hang out with a lot - May and Evan, and then my sweet hubby!! :) We had a lot of fun!
On Wednesday Brett took my out for a date! First we went to dinner at Louie's Bar and Grill . We had some yummy food out on the patio (the weather was perfect). They had the Macho Chicken Nachos on the special that night for Ladies Night, so we had an order of those. SO YUMMY!! It could have just been my meal! (sorry about how blurry this pictures are, I only had my phone with me!)
After dinner we went to Putt-Putt. We love going to together. Mostly, because we like to talk crap to each other, about who will win. We had lots of fun...

Friday night I got to hang out with my BFF and her husband, my sis in law, and brother Joseph, my brother John, another couple we hang out with a lot - May and Evan, and then my sweet hubby!! :) We had a lot of fun!
W/ my Sister in law, and brother's!
w/ my BFF Faith, and her hubby!
Trying to be Sassy!
It really was a fun night, and a great birthday! I was happy to see everyone, and let the celebrations continue! :) Which speaking of...Today we had birthday's w/ Brett's side of the family. It was his Nanny's 88 birthday, Uncle Terry's 72, my 23rd! We laughed that all together that 184 years! Man we're getting old! :)
Brett's Nanny is SO special to us. Brett has loved her dearly, and talked wonders about her before I ever met her. Once I did, I new why he loved her so much! It makes me wish my grandparents lived closer, but I'm so thankful to have her! We love her dearly! Since she adores Brett so much, so thought she'd like to have the picture of the two of them from Brett's graduation day from the Police Academy. So, I decided to get crafty, and make a frame! It's not perfect, but I had fun doing! I think I'll end up making more!
This is what I started with!
So, that's a little update on our life! Back to work tomorrow, and looking forward to Easter Sunday with my family!! :) little flower pot is showing some white! I'm guessing that's the flower! Hopefully it's going to bloom!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Let's try this again....
So, last week I was a little over half-way through a long blog posts with updates on our life. Sadly, my computer shut off for no apparent reason, and I lost my post.
In an attempt to start writing on my blog weekly, I've decided to just start with this weekend, instead of trying to go back and write a gigantic post on the past few months. So, the update will start with Friday night :)
My little brother Jason, turns 11 on April 14th (2 days after my birthday), and since Brett had to work Friday night, I decided this would be a good time to spend some time with Jason for his birthday!
First, I took him to get some ice cream, because for some reason I was starving, but it was to early eat dinner. So we went to Cold Stone Creamery. I had never been to the one here in Fayetteville, so it was a fun, new place to check out!
After ice cream, we went to do some shopping. Joel, Brett and I decided to go in together and let him pick out some shoes or something he wanted for his birthday. We ended up with these from JcPenny. They had a good sale on the shoes, blue we got an extra 10% off due to a "one day only sale" (and is it just me, or does JCPenny have a "one day only sale" everyday?!?)
Then he wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner, so we headed to Springdale, and had some yummy country food. Side Note: It made me think about the first time I went to dinner with my best friend and her now husband, Casey. It was right after a friends wedding, and we finally got to sit and talk and hang out just the 3 of us! anyway.../memory lane.
Cracker Barrel was fun! I love the Country Store, and Jason and I had a ton of fun looking around!
Of course this is a highlight of CB. I'm not even sure what it's called, but he got it on the 3rd try, but then we couldn't do it a 2nd.
Saturday morning, I had to work for a few hours, but then came home and Brett, Jason and I went to the opening day of the Farmers Market here in Fayetteville. It was packed full of people, but I just think it's so fun and refreshing to go! Plus, they have some great stuff!
Then we went to the batting cages so Jason could practice with Brett. Brett has played baseball his whole life, and even played in college until he hurt his shoulder. He is very talented at it, and had some great pointers for Jason! Jason was hitting all the balls that got pitched to him by the end! We can't wait to watch some of his games!
After Brett left for work, Jason and I went to Putt-Putt where I won by 4 points, and got a hole-in-one on the the 18th. I was so excited, I had to call Brett right away :) He was so proud! haha
Today has been a pretty lazy day for us. I'm trying out my green thumb. Or what I hope is a green thumb.
I'm trying this "Flowe in a pot", before I try anything out in Flower Bed, where the whole world can see it ;)
Monday, February 7, 2011
5AM - Day 1
Well, it's 6:15AM and I've done yoga, had breakfast, read my devotion for the day and am completely ready for work. It's a good feeling, but I'm not gonna eyes are already tired! I think it will take some time for my body to get use to...
I was so tempted to turn the alarm off and go back to sleep for another hour, but I knew that my friend, Joy, would be text me, just about the time i got my lazy self up, she text me to make sure I was up! I'm SO glad I had motivation - otherwise, I would have stayed curled up and nice and warm next to the hubby!
It is nice that I have an hour before I need to leave the house to do whatever I want :) Which will probably be loading the dishwasher or ironing my man's uniform.
5AM is early..but it feels good!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Is that a Challenge? I think so....
5AM. I have always called this a "ungodly" hour. For years, that has been my true feelings on this hour of the morning ( that even morning yet?!).
Today, I ran across this video, and now I feel challenged...So watch this video, and then read the rest of the post.
After I watched this I just say there and felt that I really need to try this. My day usually consists of waking up a 6:15, and leaving the house by 6:50 to get to work. While I can make it happen, I never feel very put together at work. I"m always rushing through getting ready, may or may not have time for breakfast, and may or may not have time to read my devotion for the day. I have NO time to put on laundry, or unload the dishwasher, or through something in the crock pot for dinner. The by the time i get home in the evenings, I don't want to work out, I don't want to cook, I don't want to clean..I just want to sit on my bum and be lazy. I been feeling like the Lord has been dealing with my in the area of laziness. I can't believe I'm admitting it, bu tit's true..sometimes I do just feel SO dang lazy!
And I'm sick of it. So...Maybe this is what I need? Maybe I don't need something this extreme, but I'm willing to try anything! So, my plan is that for the rest of this week (and I'm talking week days) and then next M-F, I will be
1. Setting out my work clothes the day before
2. Going to bed by 9:30
3. Setting my alarm for 5am
4. Doing my 30 minutes of yogo
5. Eating breakfast, or at least preparing it to take to work
6. Reading in my devotional
7. Putting on laundry, or doing dishes
8. Since I'm not one for writing in a journal, will blog on here at least 3 mornings a week
That's my challenge to myself! At the end of this, if I feel like waking up at 5 is improving my whole day, I will probably continue this.
Wish me luck! I am SO not a morning person! gah!
New Blog
So, I just recently revived an old blog from my singles days, but just today i realized I needed a new email address, and before I got to deep into a blog, decided to have one linked to my new address. So, here we are :) Welcome - and I promise this is the last time I change my blog address for many years!
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